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Our Projects


CIMB Foundation offers grants for highly viable CSR initiatives, and we welcome funding proposals from registered organisations to partner with us to positively impact the communities we serve in Malaysia.


If your proposals meet the following qualifying criteria, kindly fill-in the Grant Application Form available below for our consideration and evaluation.


Please note that applications received in October to December will be evaluated in the following year.


Qualifying Criteria of Proposals:


1. The proposals are submitted by registered organisations with the capacity and capability to implement the proposed CSR projects or programmes.


2. The proposals are to benefit at least one of the communities below;

    • Disadvantaged Individuals and Underserved Communities (e.g. Single-parents, Persons with Disabilities, Individuals-at-risk, B40 communities, rural and urban poor communities, unemployed individuals etc.)

    • The Environment


3. The proposals fall within any of the 4 impact pillars of CIMB Foundation i.e.:

    • Health and Community Well-being

    • Education

    • Economic Empowerment

    • Climate and Environment


4. The proposals are NOT related to the following:

    • Research grants

    • Sponsorship for events, which you may instead visit https://www.cimb.com/en/forms-enq/contact-us.html#sponsorship.

Applicant's Details / Butiran Pemohon


Strictly Private & confidential


*This field is mandatory.

Date of Incorporation / Tarikh Diperbadankan*

This is a required field

Please enter a valid date

State / Negeri*

Please select

Previous Notable Projects / Senarai Projek Terdahulu


{{interpolateX('', index+1)}}

Note: We may request the following documents, depending on our assessment and for our final evaluation:

1. Certificate of Incorporation / Registration

2. List of Office Bearers / Directors / Trustees (as per records of respective Registries)

3. Shareholders Details (if applicable) 

4. Latest bank statement of main operating bank account

5. Latest audited accounts

6. Constitution / Memorandum & Articles of Association

Project Proposal Details / Butiran Cadangan Projek

Contact Details / Butiran Pegawai Untuk Dihubungi:


{{interpolateX('', index+1)}}

Project Value Proposition / Penyata Nilai Projek

Project Implementation Timeline / Garis Masa Pelaksanaan Project

Note: List the main activities and the timeline to implement your proposed project.

Nota: Senaraikan aktiviti utama dan garis masa pelaksanaan bagi projek cadangan anda.


{{interpolateX('', index+1)}}

Project Budget / Bajet Projek

Note: List the main project cost to implement the proposed project.

Nota: Senaraikan kos utama untuk melaksanakan projek cadangan anda.


{{interpolateX('', index+1)}}

This field is mandatory.

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Review and submit.
Cardmember Details
{{ reviewItem.label }}
{{ reviewItem.value }}
Redemption Item(s)
{{ property.quantity.value }} x {{ property.category.value }}
{{ (parseInt(property.points.value) * parseInt(property.quantity.value)).toLocaleString() }} BP
{{ property.productCode.value }} {{ property.productName.value }}
{{ property.membership.value }}
Total Points
{{ parseInt(overlayData.total).toLocaleString() }} BP
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Thank you for your submission!

We have received your submission.  Kindly be advised that if you do not hear from us within 2 months from your submission date, your application is deemed unsuccessful. We nevertheless would like to take this opportunity to commend the good work of your organisation in uplifting the welfare of our communities.  
